A reminder to stroll.

Not a replacement for blood-pumping-energy-clearing-sweat-effort, but a gentle solo walk where you let your feet wander has its own kind of movement medicine.

Especially if you’ve been stuck in one place, or in large groups, or unable to get away from sounds and activities that don’t offer space.

Ten minutes, more or less, with some changing earth textures, roaming eyes, enjoyable music (or silence), and space to be in motion.

Some helpful cues
👁 Look where your eyes are drawn.
🫁 Let your lungs slow dance.
👂🏼 Hear your world. Actually listen.
🌤 Hey, is that Vitamin D?
🙆‍♀️ Lift our arms away from your sides.
👣 Feel your feet strike the earth. Find a rhythm, then break it.
🧸 Relax your shoulders and make space under your ears, even if you only imagine it’s there.
🌎 Feel gravity. Feel the support there, holding you here secure.
🌬 Feel the air on your skin. Feel the energy there, constantly moving what’s stagnant.
✨ Pause, and go the winding way.

Luxuriate… destination-less.

You already know how good it is, we just forget to take it.

Take it. Dose daily. 🥄