with Tracee Kafer, Creator of Finding Your Freestyle®
$22 a month
An intimate online circle of practice for freestylers and movement explorers who want to stay accountable to their ongoing journey in freestyle; building/deepening their skills, expression, and understanding of freestyle. The intention for this group is to engage practices that build presence, self-trust, curiosity and creative freedom that transcends ability, age, aesthetics, and productivity.
A warm welcome to all movement explorers, freestylers, embodiment seekers, dancers, body-centered practitioners, and non-conforming round pegs who value awareness, curiosity, collaboration, and expression.
The FYF Circle ($22/mo) includes:
✨ Monthly Live Sessions with Tracee Kafer via Zoom (on the last Tuesday of each month at 2PM & 7PM EST)
✨ A Huge Archive of Three Years of Classes: On Demand & Session Recordings since 2022 including:
✨ Freestyle with Yvonne Smink, Embodiment with Dr. Jess Linick, Flow States with Marlo Fisken, Breathwork with Alisa Saric, Play with Kyle Fincham, & much more
✨ Resources (deep dive topics, playlists + prompts)
✨ Discounts on 1-On-1 Sessions & Consults
Membership begins on the day you purchase.
There are no refunds for your current cycle, but should you need to cancel you can anytime before the next billing period.
The 2025 Schedule
Session with Tracee Kafer happen the last Tuesday of each month at 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM Eastern/NYC
(11:00 AM Pacific & 8:00 PM CEST / 4:00 PM Pacific)
Upcoming Session Dates for 2025
Tuesday, January 28th
Tuesday, February 25th
Tuesday, March 25th
Tuesday, April 29th
Tuesday, May 27th
Tuesday, June 24th
Tuesday, July 29th
Tuesday, August 26th
Tuesday, September 30th
Tuesday, October 28th
Tuesday, November 25th
Tuesday, December 30th
Hear From Our Members
“It has completely transformed and redefined my relationship with my movement, with my body, and even spirituality.”
Hear from FYF Circle Member, Kayla on her experience the last three months in the FYF Circle.
“I’ve only had a few sessions and it has already changed my attitude towards my movement practice.”
“So grateful for the creative guidance & wisdom I’ve received from Tracee Kafer.”
“ I so appreciate your style of teaching, your creative and gentle touch, and what a welcoming and safe space you’ve created for us. I have learned a lot from you, about movement and about life!”
“Tracee has helped me grow and explore in so many ways, beyond just my freestyle practice. I cannot recommend her enough!!”
“Class with Tracee was absolutely what I needed! I was able to take time to slow down for myself and open up to the music.”
A Note from Tracee:
It would be impossible to say exactly how this membership might change or help you, but what I do see/feel from the folks who show up for this membership and it’s offerings:They may come to class pretty stressed out and tired, feeling jittery, overwhelmed, heavy or somber. After 75 minutes spent in this container, with permission to drop-in, move their bodies and listen with their senses, they leave changed. They are more plugged-in to themselves.
My suggestion is, if you are drawn to this membership, take the journey and come dance and move with us for awhile. See and notice what happens next after you commit to showing up. Chances are decently high that things will be different, that you’ll feel benefits that I won’t be able to label easily. It’s kind of limitless what exploring in the body can offer you, your relationship to it and to your life.
I do know that as you begin to integrate these creative practices for exploration, dance, and self-inquiry... you’ll discover how these tools can enhance your state of being and liberate your movement style.
More Testimonials
I don’t know what brought you to this page, but maybe:
The FYF Circle is led by Tracee Kafer, the creator of FYF, who has a natural love of spontaneity and a hunger for self-expression. She believes our bodies don’t just move, they ARE movement. She believes your free-moving practices can become a vehicle for any change or shift you seek; whether you want to feel more present or dance more creatively.
You might be here to explore new dimensions in your practice — because you realize that you and your creativity are multi-dimensional.
Tracee has over a decade of disciplined focus in improvisation and freestyle theory, as well as a lifetime of movement and dance experience in many capacities, but she’s also trained and practicing systemic healing, tarot and therapeutic somatics. She might be the guide you are looking for to drop into a deeper and more curious space for the expression that lives in your body.
When you resonate with a group of like-minds that move together, your journey is amplified in and by the whole group.
Each of you is an individual with your own values, gifts, and interests, and sharing space where you can connect with other folks around the world like you, but not like you at all, is powerful.
2024 Resident Teachers & Facilitators
Over 30 Sessions: Freestyle & Self-Expression with Tracee Kafer
3 Sessions: Liberating Low Flow with J Alex Ray
2 Sessions: Sensual Floetry with Nettie of The Ritual Room
2 Sessions: QiGong & Flow with Steven Washington of SWE Studio
1 Session: Embodiment with Dr. Jess Linick
J Alex Ray (they/she/he)
Brooklyn-based Pole & Performance Artist
J Alex Ray leads people toward self-reflection with movement and self-portraiture. Their movement style is heavily experimental, incorporating contemporary elements of dance and embodying radical emotion.
Nettie of The Ritual Room (she/her)
California-based Embodiment & Sensual Movement Facilitator
Nettie embodies self-love and helps people reclaim personal power through sensual and somatic movement. Her movement explores and excavates the wisdom within the sensual body.
Steven Washington of SWE Studio (he/him)
Movement Master, Author, Recovery Advocate
Steven’s lifelong love and a key foundation to his own spiritual fitness is 'movement'. He firmly believes our relationship with our body is vital for emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
Dr. Jess Linick (she/her)
Trauma Specialist, Psychologist, Somatic Therapist
To Jess, freestyle is more than just “dancing”– it is a way of being in the world. Unencumbered, open, and vulnerable, we are invited to harness intuition, follow our inner compass, and express ourselves in ways that ring true for us most clearly.
2023 Sessions & Resident Teachers
30 Sessions: Freestyle & Self-Expression with Tracee Kafer
10 Sessions: Self-Literacy, Embodiment & Slowing Down with Dr. Jess Linick
2 Sessions: Flow States with Marlo Fisken
2 Sessions: Bodyful Breathing with Alisa Saric
2 Sessions: Supple Strength with Nerijus Bagdonas
2022 Sessions & Guest Teachers
20+ Sessions: Freestyle & Movement Exploration with Tracee Kafer
10 Guest Sessions: Marlo Fisken, Yvonne Smink, Kyle Fincham, Anna Grundstrom, Laure Porché
& BONUS Practices!
60+ “On Your Time” Optional Practices:
Movement Breaks, Prompted Practice, Embodiment, Move Your Meditation
Special Workshops, Freestyle Hour Long-Form Practice, Audio Only Follow-Alongs
“I love having a regular cadence of meeting with familiar faces, doing the inner-work, moving the bodies, and listening. ”
“Considering strengthening your relationship with freestyle movement? Look no further than a FYF membership.””
“Tracee creates opportunities for movement to be explored through all the senses. In her classes, there is a feeling of joy and liberation as she encourages us to be guided by our own inner compasses and not externals. Tracee forges a safe and nurturing community for each of us to claim our authentic forms of freestyle. All ages and bodies benefit from her creative classes and caring mentorship.”
“Meeting up every 2 weeks allows me to prioritize movement consistently and it is more personal and relaxed this way. ”
More Testimonials
Frequently Asked Questions
The FYF Circle is currently open for enrollment.
Nope! Pole is a powerful tool for creative self-expression and exploration, but we work with the body and its movement regardless of if their is a pole or not to move with. All you need is a little space for movement.
This is an open level membership, a space where many backgrounds and movement lineages work together harmoniously.
If our live session time doesn’t work for you, for whatever the reason, don’t worry - every live session will be recorded and archived for your future replay.
We meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 2:00 PM & also 7:00 PM Eastern/NYC. Sessions are 75 minutes and held online via Zoom.
You’ll need a laptop with a camera, a speaker connected to your device, and a bit of space. You’ll get the most out of these sessions if you carve out the time and space to focus.
Privacy will facilitate a better experience, although household distractions do come up (pets! kids! delivery folks!), and that’s ok, too.
Once you become a FYF Circle Member, you can stream any On Demand session from two locations, in the Members Portal, and also on the On Demand page once you are logged into your account.
Your full upcoming schedule, including monthly community events, are in the Members Portal. You’ll also be emailed class/event reminders and Zoom links a few hours before a scheduled class/event.