My very first video launching @findingyourfreestyle
Shot by @sumseen at @bodyandpole.

I took a look at the upload date, and it’s exactly —> October 14th, 2012.

So…. this is a surprising synchronization that the Form Freestyle Intensive and 10th Anniversary Celebration is also happening October 14-16, 2022.

I didn’t plan for that actually, I just squeezed it into a free’ish month in the Fall and I somehow *still* managed to book these events exactly 10 years later to the day. 😱

Thankful to: @bodyandpole, the first place to house us, the first people who took that first Friday night class on the very first night of FYF, the first #FYFchallenge video submission, the first person to watch/share our YouTube videos, the first #FYFworkshop attendees, the first @polespeak group and performance, the first #FYFintensive students and @writhepole for hosting the first one, the first wearer(s) and photo model(s) of #FYFapparel, the first #FYFretreat group and @thebodyartbarn who hosted us, the first beta class testers for #FYFonline, the first @fyfcircle member, and everyone and anyone else that’s been a part of it before and since.

I’m. So. Grateful. To all of you.

For your trust, for your curiosity, for your dance.

If you want to come be a part of the movement “party”, there are two spots left for our weekend intensive at @fullcirclebrooklyn, and tickets available for our show (and @plannedparenthood fundraiser) happening the Saturday night.

All info can be found here.