Scroll to the bottom of the page for Press mentions.
“Tracee Kafer and Finding Your Freestyle have been accompanying me on my movement journey for over half a decade now. Initially, before actually working with Tracee, I thought, “oh cool, she’s gonna help me transform my movement.” Little did I know that she would be impacting my life in a way that goes far beyond dancing.
It’s quite indicative of Tracee’s work that she found the most thoughtful workarounds in these trying times and in a world that is rapidly changing, so our annual gathering happened digitally [this year], connecting souls between NY, Berlin, Bavaria, France, Pennsylvania, and California. And the magic still worked.
Tracee Kafer, I am beyond grateful for you and your life-long effort to hold space for others, so we can still have our “corrective maintenance” sessions through movement when we need them the most.”
“Tracee Kafer your support, love, and service to this community is so huge and impactful.”
“Dosed with her very specific brand of power and gentleness, always nudging me toward the most intuitive and extra-sensory aspects of myself.”
“You and FYF are such a gift to the community. Thank you for all of your hard work in cultivating such special, safe, genuine places.”
“This workshop of [Tracee’s] changed my life. She had me tap into feelings, emotions, hidden thoughts and expressions like I have never ever experienced before. She developed so many aspects of my freedom of movement, she helped me break down creative barriers, and in the end, I asked her to dance with me.
This will forever be stored deeply in my heart and soul and I hope I can manage to open up my students like she opened me up to myself. Thank you, Tracee, for developing Finding Your Freestyle.”
“The actual freestyle god, Tracee Kafer, got my whole entire life sorted out this morning. Today was exactly what I i’ve been needing & I’m pretty sure this is my all time favorite prompt I’ve ever danced.”
“Freestyle thanks to the phenomenal Tracee Kafer. The past 2 Finding Your Freestyle classes we had together helped me reconnect more than I expected. You helped me ground myself again. You’re a light on my journey, and your work is so important, so beautiful and so inspiring. I can’t wait to continue to grow with you!”
“For over 7 years, Tracee Kafer and Finding Your Freestyle have been one of the safest and most supportive people/environments to let it all (emotionally) hang out.”
“There’s honestly so much I want to say because everything I learned during these workshops were not only applicable to movement, it was very applicable to life overall. To say the least, I’m speechless... and very grateful.
Huge thank you from the bottom of my heart to Tracee Kafer for coming through, being a breath of fresh air, sharing your insights and perspectives on movement and highlighting each person’s uniqueness. I’m in awe.”
“Tracee Kafer is a healer.”
“Joining your sessions has been one of the highlights of 2020 for me. Thank you for creating such a nurturing, welcoming, and energizing space.”
“Tracee’s ability to select a playlist is nothing short of prophetic.”
“I feel like my movement this weekend was the most honest it has ever been - no expectations, no judgment, pure impulse and expression. I want to keep this authenticity with me, in dance and life.”
“Cracked wide open during this Finding Your Freestyle workshop with Tracee Kafer. I was equally challenged and in my element, and have a feeling this will stick with me. So good.”
“Stellar workshop with Tracee Kafer tonight!! Your classes are by far my favorite, Tracee. From your warm ups, to your teaching style, to your activities – even your music choices – so much goodness! Thank you for being such a lovely human being and constant source of inspiration.”
“Finding Your Freestyle is a must.”
“Finding Your Freestyle has a whole bunch of regular online offerings that focus on grounded pole movement from a freestyle approach. Tracee is a master.”
“I love Tracee Kafer so much and feel seen/heard so powerfully every time she creates a space for us!”
“Looking back, our experience in San Diego was truly the last shelter before the great storm and I value it even more because of that.
I am grateful beyond words for all that was given to me during this immersion.”
“She is the OG Online Class Guru.”
“I was fortunate enough to share this gorgeous space with some beautiful souls at a Finding Your Freestyle Intensive held by Tracee Kafer and Dr. Jess Linick. The collective space held for these four days was palpable. Though this dance feels worlds away, many of us have been able to continue holding space for each other despite the social distance. I knew this was special then, but this space we continue to hold is something the thing that pulls me out of my darkest moments. So precious.”
“I have been struggling to articulate my experience from this workshop. Really important concepts are landing inside me that matter in my dance and when I’m not dancing (although it’s all a dance, right?) I need more time to metabolize the learnings and the experience... for now, thank you Tracee Kafer for the container and x for your vulnerability and your capacity to meet me and let me meet you.”
“What an amazing, transformative experience working with the Goddess of Finding Your Freestyle!
Like most freestyle-interested dancers, I’ve been following Tracee for years, but never had the right opportunity to take a workshop taught by her. I was lucky enough to secure a spot in both workshops she taught at Haven LA this week, Breaking Patterns and Intuition.
I didn’t know what to expect, but I am so grateful to have immersed myself into this experience, coming out of it with so much food for thoughts, and things to practice in my pole journey. Many thanks to Jo for being such an unwavering believer in Tracee’s teachings and methods and sharing her posts and experiences about it. I have learned so much in these 6+ hours working with Tracee.”
“Shapes, shapes, and more shapes. With evolving prompts and inspiring music, Finding Your Freestyle brought new shapes bubbling to the surface. I never realized how contained I kept my movements and freestyle. Now I feel myself pushing pas my comfort zone and playing in the unknown.”
“I attended my first pole intensive this weekend! I was actually home to participate, and it was pure awesomeness. This was the best possible way to step back into the movement zone after many weeks of travel, illness, and injury. I went in carrying all sorts of grumpiness from my lack of movement and came out with new friends and a much better mood. I’ve recommended FYF events before I ever went to one, and I will most certainly continue to do so. Thank you ladies for investing so deeply in your carefully crafted content and to everyone there for being fun, supportive, and OPEN.”
“So much gratitude to Finding Your Freestyle for the amazing freestyle intensive this past weekend. Your workshop is like no other – it reaches beyond the physical aspect of movement! You helped us shift perspectives, pursue authenticity, and dance from the soul. One million heartfelt thanks!”
“Gah!! The FYF Intensive was this weekend and as usual Tracee Kafer delivered a wonderfully nurturing, inspirational, and therapeutic learning environment. I moved in delicious new ways and had some break throughs in my understanding of how to further develop my freestyle skills on my own. I am so grateful for this experience and everyone I shared it with.”
“Tracee Kafer is the most amazing and magical person I have met in the #poleworld. Her brain is incredible, and I cannot believe how she thinks of such freestyles to set your soul free.
If you ever get a chance, you really need to take a private with Tracee.”
“Just want to say thank you for an incredible, inspiring,
moving weekend. You helped awaken something in me that I let lay dormant for too long, you gave my freestyle new life, new breath, and I am so excited to let this creature out to play and create and grow.
Thank you for your insight, your hard work, your guidance, and your kindness. You created a safe space for us to be vulnerable, to learn, to start a journey. I feel so refreshed, invigorated, and yet contemplative. You harnessed some amazing energy and crafted an eye opening experience that was about so much more than freestyle and pole. You led us to a mirror and held our hand as we looked into it. My heart is so full.”
“I spent this weekend not only investing in myself but also being lucky enough to witness transformation as these other amazing women invested in themselves.
This experience was about so much more than pole dance and because of it, I am forever changed – as a person and as a dancer. Thank you for facilitating an experience that made all of us feel safe and open to being our most vulnerable selves.
I can’t wait to continue Finding My Freestyle.”
“Most polers have a few pole idols, or people who especially inspire their passion. I feel incredibly grateful I got to spend an entire weekend with mine (Tracee Kafer) going into a depth of pole I’ve never before experienced. How I got so lucky, I have no idea, but I’m
certain the universe provides!”
“After a full nights rest and time to process, I just wanted to share a little bit about my experience with the first Finding Your Freestyle Intensive.
I could not have asked for a better way to spend my weekend. I am forever changed. What they do is raw and vulnerable and incredibly powerful. They ask you to reach inside of yourself and look a little deeper so that your dance can go a little deeper. So that you can experience on some level self-actualization through your art form.
Thank you. I am full to the brim with gratitude.”
“Leaving the lake house with my body bruised, my muscles aching, my mind peaceful, my spirit soaring, and my heart content.
Taking part in the first Finding Your Freestyle Intensive was such an honor and a blessing. So much gratitude for all of the incredible women for making this experience fulfilling, for providing the tools to heal things I didn’t know were broken. I will carry this weekend in my heart and in my dance. So pumped to start 2016 off with such joy and exploration, and ready to surrender to divine timing and follow my intuition, and to dive in and keep finding my freestyle.”
“I’ve never, ever in my life fallen so immediately in love with 15 people I’d never met before. On Friday, we met as strangers (minus one lovely who I already know) and by Sunday, as we left as dear friends. For me, this wasn’t just a dance workshop weekend.
This was a life changing, soul enriching experience. I broke down walls I thought were SO strong, I began to heal things that are broken and I learned that I am truly, not alone. These women are precious beyond words and I’m ugly crying with graditude.”
“Today was the most raw, vulnerable, cleansing day. I felt a key turn within and finally click into place. I can’t imagine to tell you the peace, clarity, and stillness I am feeling. All I can say is thank you.”
“Words can’t describe how deeply grateful I am for this weekend – I had the opportunity to dance with my greatest inspiration Tracee Kafer for the second (and surely not the last) time. Thank you so much for working with me, it really meant a lot to me. I can’t wait for some solo freestyle time at the studio to get into my flow state again! If there’ll ever be a FYF Intensive in Europe, count me in.”
“I can die happy now. Met the queen of freestyle and had 2 workshops with her. No hardcore crazy tricks just enjoying musicality and movement! I was in heaven. Thank you Tracee from the bottom of my heart!!”
“The MOST AMAZING class I have taken.”
“Just the day after the coolest workshop I have ever done, I just wanted to feel the sensation of a unknown song…in a total freestyle! And you know what? It works better! Weird….thank you again Tracee Kafer
for your generosity and for sharing your exercises!”
“Tracee Kafer was not only incredibly kind and fun, but a great instructor. I’ve taken quite a few workshops from various pole idols, but this workshop was different. I didn’t walk away with just some tricks – I walked away with a feeling, an understanding. For the first time, I truly danced. I needed this. Thank you Tracee.”
“Today I would just like to openly thank Tracee Kafer, who my students have probably heard me mention in class several times, because she was the one who made me fall in love with freestyle, which I now always incorporate into my classes.
She is also a fantastic choreographer and I am lucky to have taken class with her several times. This freestyling business has definitely influenced the way I teach, and I absolutely love it.
So my dear lovely people please just make sure you give proper credit to the people who inspire you and share their awesomeness with the world! Being inspired and learning from someone is all beautiful, but silently copying someone constantly is just not cool.”
“One of the most amazing workshops I have taken as a pole dancer.”
“While challenging the class to dance with their hearts and not their heads, Tracee envelopes the room with permission to just be who you want to be. This is one lady who has a whole lot to give! Everyone who took the workshops raved about how much they loved her and what she gave to them!!!”
Press Mentions
Click here to check out a podcast episode with Shane Godliman featuring Tracee Kafer
Click here to check out our retreat interview with Body & Pole
Also here (interview), here (playlist), and here (FYF mention)
Click here to check out our playlist with RACKED.com
Click here to read about Pole Speak’s first showing with United Pole Artists
Click here to read an interview mentioning Tracee Kafer and the FYF work
Click here to read an interview on Finding Your Freestyle
Click here to read an interview about Pole Speak
Click here to read an article by Tina Soares featuring Finding Your Freestyle.
Click here to watch an interview with Tracee Kafer on Pole World News