Slippery Hands 👏🏼


I have seen innumerable examples of folks who stop their freestyle because their hands are slippery. I get why, I do it, too. 😉 Folks new to pole are especially susceptible - but it can be a flow-halting-habit over time that gets ya down.

May I encourage you to keep going?

Comfort and adaptation when your grip is bad can only be harnessed by pushing past that point where you’d normally stop, give up, or “pole clean”.

All you need now from this moment...
- willingness to move another way, or anyway
- less grip-required skill pressure

Use this slickness 💦 to encourage this instead:
- rely more on your legs
- get closer to the pole with your upper body
- alternative grip or contact points, see waist here
- practice the active pull-down feeling without worrying about lifting your body off the ground, you’ll get a nice sensory and visual reminder of the action in the hands sliding down the pole from the effort
- notice your hand detail or allow your hands, wrists, palms, and fingers to dance
- allow your sweating, don’t fix it, it’s all good, just means your working hard (or it’s just hot, which you can’t fix)
- slow down, pull your focus away from your hands, what else can you notice, what else can move?
- encourage your body to simmer in shapes and positions, let the music guide the texture
Or what else?

Dancing past this moment will bring you so much peace eventually, as you learn to make peace with environmental changes and “dance in the rain” 😂

2:00 - 3:30 PM EDT if this post calls to you. ❤️ Code firsttime.